Why me ?
Arthur Ash , the Legendary champion of Wimbledon International Tennis cup, was infectec with HIV due to receiving infected blood during a heart surgery , in 1983 .He received letters from his fans all over the world ,while he was in deathbed.One of those letters read :” Why God chose youto get infected by such terrible disease ?”
Arthur Ash replied :
Each year 50 millions children start playing tennis from all over the world .
5 millions of them learn how to play tennis.
500 thousands of them learn professional tennis games.
50 thousands of them attend competitions.
5 thousands of them win in different annual competitions.
50 of them reach the Wimbledon International Tennis Cup .
4 of them move up to semifinal and 2 of them advance to the final championship
.When I raised the Wimbledon International Tennis Cup above my head , Ididn’t ask why me.why should I ask now ?...